Lab Safety Crossword

  1. 3. Used to put out chemical fires, electrical fires, and gas and grease fires. (sec 027)
  2. 4. If you are allergic and you keep wearing latex, you might even have trouble ______. (sec 023)
  3. 6. Many chemicals in a lab could be _____ or poisonous. (sec 025)
  4. 7. Safe lab behavior includes activities such as _______ instead of running in the lab. (sec 022)
  5. 9. NEVER use water to put out an _____ fire, which is any fire that involves electrical equipment. (sec 032)
  6. 11. Your conduct and attitude, or how you ______ is the most important part of laboratory safety. (sec 022)
  7. 12. Reading directions before you begin any lab activity gives you a chance to ask _____ if you don’t understand something. (sec 022)
  8. 13. You can stay safe in the laboratory by ______ accidents. (sec 027)
  9. 15. If you are allergic to _____, wear only non-latex gloves in the lab. (sec 023)
  10. 18. You will look worse wearing _____ for weeks than wearing goggles or gloves for an hour. (sec 023)
  11. 20. Goggles that are made to protect your eyes from both chemicals and flying objects are stamped with the code _____87.1. (sec 023)
  12. 21. Keep your work area free of things you do not need for the lab activity. If they are on the floor they can cause someone to _____ and fall. (sec 024)
  13. 23. Always ____ the adult in charge about accidents before you do anything else! (sec 027)
  14. 24. NEVER assume that any clear, ______ liquid is water. (sec 036)
  15. 25. When you work with chemicals, food and drinks can become contaminated with those chemicals. (sec 025)
  16. 28. Any _______ in your mouth can become contaminated, (sec 025)
  17. 29. _____ push others or play practical jokes in a laboratory. Such behavior may seem fun, but hurting yourself or someone else will quickly ruin your good time. (sec 022)
  18. 31. You may need to wear ______ to protect your hands from chemicals and germs, such as harmful bacteria and molds. (sec 023)
  19. 32. It is safer to work with someone you do not know than to work with a ____ who wants to joke around. (sec 022)
  20. 33. It is important to listen to or to read all directions _____ you being any lab activity. Doing so prepares you for the activity. (sec 022)
  21. 34. ____ Directions are spoken. Listen to and follow all oral directions given to you by the adult in the lab. Ask for more information if you are not sure you understand. (sec 022)
  22. 36. You should not _____ any equipment until you are told to do so by an adult. (sec 022)
  23. 38. If you and your lab partner have trouble acting responsibly, ask to change lab _____. (sec 022)
  24. 40. Mop up ____ immediately to avoid risk of slips and falls. (sec 027)
  1. 1. Used to smother small fires on surfaces or to wrap a person who is on fire. (sec 027)
  2. 2. You should _____ eat, drink, taste, touch or smell anything while in a science lab, unless told to do so by an adult. (sec 025)
  3. 5. A _____ is like a miniature electric stove. (sec 031)
  4. 7. _____ Directions are direction you must read and follow. (sec 022)
  5. 8. Early symptoms of a latex _____ are red, swollen skin, a rash and maybe itching. (sec 023)
  6. 10. Eyes should be rinsed with tepid water for at least 15 _______. (sec 027)
  7. 14. Wearing _________ protects your eyes as you work in the lab. (sec 023)
  8. 16. To further protect yourself, always ___ your hands thoroughly before leaving the lab. (sec 025)
  9. 17. One way to stay safe in a lab is follow ______ you are given. (sec 022)
  10. 19. _____ wear protective equipment when told to, no matter how you think it makes you look. (sec 023)
  11. 22. Wearing a lab coat or ______ helps protect your body and your clothing from chemicals. (sec 023)
  12. 26. You should never _____ objects in a lab as they might hit something or someone. (pg 22)
  13. 27. Used if chemicals are spilled directly onto skin or if they seep through clothing onto skin. (sec 027)
  14. 30. Used to rinse eyes if a chemical gets into them. (sec 027)
  15. 35. You should leave bulky jackets, coats and backpacks in your _____ or set them out of the way in the laboratory room. (sec 023)
  16. 37. NEVER use a chemical from an _______ container. (sec 036)
  17. 39. Contaminated food or gum can make you ____. (sec 025)
  18. 40. Items in your work area may also be ____ or ruined by spills. (sec 024)