Lab Safety Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. do not _____ around during a lab
  2. 5. a fire _____ will help if there's flame on someone
  3. 7. wear these to avoid damage to eyes
  4. 9. during a lab make sure your clothes _____ all parts of the body
  5. 11. be _____ when handling chemicals
  6. 12. this substance will catch fire easily
  7. 14. a fire _____ is a good way of putting out fires
  8. 15. if you smell this, turn off the Bunson Burner immediately
  9. 16. better safe than _____
  10. 17. this type of footwear provides little protection
  1. 1. _____ is the most important thing in a lab
  2. 2. only use _____ with no cracks or leftover chemicals in it
  3. 3. this substance melts and sticks to skin when burned
  4. 6. eating and drinking can cause this
  5. 8. wear these to protect your hands
  6. 10. this type of shoe provides the most protection
  7. 13. long hair must be _____
  8. 18. if this happens, call a teacher over to help