Lab Safety Rules

  1. 5. When heating something in this piece of lab equipment glassware, never point it at yourself or anyone else.
  2. 7. You should always _____ the day's experiment before you begin, paying close attention to safety issues.
  3. 8. Wearing this will protect your clothes
  4. 10. In case of a fire you should know the location of this important piece of equipment.
  5. 13. Make sure to ______ carefully to your teacher; they may tell you important information regarding the lab or equipment.
  6. 14. Report incidents to your teacher to matter how __ it may seem.
  7. 16. Never _____ any liquid in the lab, unless instructed to do so by your teacher.
  8. 17. Secure loose or dangling ____ before beginning a lab.
  1. 1. Don't wear ____ in the laboratory, close toed shoes are the best to wear during a lab.
  2. 2. If a chemical comes into contact with your eyes, wash them for at least ____ minutes.
  3. 3. Handle scissors, scalpels, knives and other ____ objects with extreme caution.
  4. 4. What you need before you bring an animal into the lab or classroom.
  5. 6. Never work ____ in the laboratory.
  6. 9. Only ____ lab equipment as your teacher instructs you to do so.
  7. 11. Know where this communication tool is before you begin any lab; you may need it in case of an emergency.
  8. 12. ____ One chemical with another can be dangerous. Never do so unless the teacher has asked you too.
  9. 15. This kind of glassware may be dangerous because it has stress points where the glass may break.