Lab Safety Rules/Procedures

  1. 1. Make sure that all skin is covered from your _____ down, without the lab coat on yet. (Short-sleeved shirts are acceptable). It is recommended to keep a change of clothes just in case.
  2. 3. When working in fume hoods, keep all work at least ____ inches behind the plane of the hood sash. Also don't put your head inside the hood and keep the sash between you and the contents of the fume hood.
  3. 6. Never keep _______ ______ near a fume hood or where liquids are routinely handled.
  4. 7. Never heat a _________ piece of glassware/equipment.
  5. 10. In case of a fire, always know where this piece of equipment is located. (And the nearest exit)
  1. 2. Always wear _______-____ shoes in lab.
  2. 4. _____ your hands after entering lab and before exiting lab.
  3. 5. If a chemical comes in contact with your eyes, wash them at the eye wash station for at least __________ minutes.
  4. 7. Required _____'s for all labs: lab coat, gloves, goggles.
  5. 8. Never pour water into this, instead pour this into water.
  6. 9. If a chemical is spilled or glassware is broken, do not attempt to _______ it yourself. Alert you lab instructor/TA so they may take appropriate precautions to dispose of it properly.
  7. 11. Make sure to _____ the waste containers and dispose of chemicals in the proper containers.