lab safety/equipment

  1. 4. this holds specimen being viewed under a microscope
  2. 6. keep all containers _____ with proper lid
  3. 9. if something _____ or is broken, tell instructor & get help
  4. 10. who do you report ALL accidents to? (tell them what happened FIRST!)
  5. 11. keep your lab area ______
  6. 13. always read labels _______
  7. 17. has a curved neck, measures GENERAL liquid volume
  8. 18. let the instructor know when you feel _____
  9. 20. this covers specimen on the slide
  10. 23. never leave any heat source _______
  11. 25. put all broken glass & sharps in this area
  12. 26. measures EXACT amounts of liquids
  13. 28. can you smoke, eat, drink, chew gum, or put makeup on in class?
  14. 30. (2 words) this zooms into a surface of an object
  15. 32. (2 wash) where to go if you get chemicals in eyes (DO NOT rub)
  16. 34. measuring tool that uses metric system, measures distance between 2 points
  17. 36. keep containers of _____, acetone, & other flammable liquids away from heat/open flame
  18. 37. who are not allowed in a lab?
  19. 41. what to do with your hands before & after lab? (especially chemicals)
  20. 42. measures GENERAL liquid volumes
  21. 44. keep chemicals ____ from direct sunlight or heat
  22. 45. measures amount of heat in an object
  23. 46. (hyp) this balance finds object's mass
  24. 47. moves chemicals from large to small containers
  1. 1. this cylinder-shaped measuring tool measures EXACT volumes of liquids & can stand on its own
  2. 2. notify instructor if equipment
  3. 3. measures GENERAL small amounts of liquids
  4. 5. used to see items too small to see (2 types: compound & dissection)
  5. 7. these tools (tray/pan, pins, forceps, blunt probe, & scalpel) are used for this process
  6. 8. label everything what?
  7. 12. follow instructions on ______ disposal
  8. 14. (2 words) holds chemicals during an experiment
  9. 15. wear _____ clothing (long pants, close-toed shoes, goggles)
  10. 16. keep these clean & dry, weigh them on paper
  11. 19. (3 words) do not touch something & ask instructor if you
  12. 21. holds multiple test tubes
  13. 22. (2 words) a circular clear dish used to see bacteria
  14. 24. these protect your hands from handling chemicals
  15. 27. what types of procedures must you know? (use of exits, fire extinguishers, eye wash station, first aid kit, & broken glass container)
  16. 29. what to do with used gloves?
  17. 31. these protect your eyes from chemicals
  18. 33. moves test tubes from one place to another
  19. 35. be what to your surroundings?
  20. 38. a matter of personal responsibility to yourself & others
  21. 39. do NOT smell, touch, or taste these!!
  22. 40. (2 words) what to do with long/dangling jewelry or scarves?
  23. 43. this burner heats chemicals with open flame