Lab Week 2016

  1. 5. Pee Place
  2. 6. Right Now!
  3. 8. Do you understand the words that are coming out of Doc’s mouth?
  4. 9. Department where PTs and PTTs are done
  5. 12. Used to spin down tubes
  6. 13. The study of tissues
  7. 14. Has wings
  8. 15. All the better to see you with
  9. 17. When said with a 'v' it means something else entirely
  10. 18. Department with the HIVs, QTBs, and STDs
  1. 1. Analyzing your analytes
  2. 2. Platin’ and incubatin’
  3. 3. Not a "Vampire"
  4. 4. Where they go to war
  5. 7. Study and Diagnosis of disease
  6. 10. “Diffing” our lives away
  7. 11. The study of cells
  8. 14. What’s your “type”?
  9. 16. Not your average Q-Tip
  10. 18. We don’t do that here