Lab Week 2017

  1. 5. Instrument in Histology used to cut tissue
  2. 7. What does the M in MRSA stand for?
  3. 9. Procedure used to find compatible blood donors
  4. 10. Emerg specimens are...
  5. 16. Hundreds of these are performed in Hematology each year
  6. 17. Cleaning solution used throughout Lab
  7. 18. What caused the Whooping Cough outbreak?
  8. 19. Cytotechnologist use one of these everyday
  9. 20. Computer system used in the Lab
  10. 21. Universal Donor
  11. 22. Used to spin specimens
  1. 1. Type of Pseudomonas that affects Cystic Fibrosis patients
  2. 2. Department where Urea is performed
  3. 3. Which lab uses the Haemotoxylin and Eosin stain?
  4. 4. Element represented by the letter K
  5. 6. What kind of liquid is in a Light Blue topped tube
  6. 8. What kind of containers are needles disposed into?
  7. 11. Person who draws blood for testing
  8. 12. A lab tech should never do this
  9. 13. Elevated in Diabetics
  10. 14. Blood cell involved in the clotting process
  11. 15. A type of specimen that can be collected for 24 Hours