Laboratory Safety

  1. 2. Personal protective equipment that protects your skin and clothing from chemicals and lab materials
  2. 3. When using the eyewash station, you must hold your eyes open and rinse for _______ minutes
  3. 6. Use this station when something gets into your eyes during lab
  4. 8. Personal protective equipment that prevent chemicals from getting into your eyes
  5. 9. Personal protective equipment that protect your hands from heat, chemicals, etc.
  6. 10. All shoes should be ____ toed
  7. 11. Food and drink are allowed how often in lab?
  1. 1. Use this safety tool if a fire breaks out during a lab
  2. 4. Acronym that stands for Proper Protective Equipment
  3. 5. Who do you tell when something bad happens in lab?
  4. 7. You will not be allowed to participate in lab until you sign and return your ________.