- 4. The Spiderman outside our classroom door
- 5. The biggest trouble maker in 8A
- 8. Ms. N's favorite tree (in Japanese)
- 11. Student who can't appreciate a top 5 rapper of all time
- 15. Mr. Z's #1 artist in 2023
- 16. Mr. Healy's first name
- 17. Ms. N's favorite NFL team
- 18. Ajahanai's alias
- 1. What subject did Mr.Healy originally teach
- 2. Mr. Z's celebrity lookalike (apparently)
- 3. A synonym for goat
- 6. Mr. Z's most hated movie character
- 7. Student who ate her pet chicken
- 9. Student who spoiled the worst scene in one of Mr. Z's favorite manga
- 10. The drink Mr. Z confiscates the most
- 12. Sport Mr. Healy played
- 13. Always does everything on the morning of a test except the morning work
- 14. Mr. Z's birthday twin
- 18. The guy on the rocket outside our classroom