Land and Resources of Southeast Asia

  1. 2. represents the extent of the rain forest today on the map on page 413
  2. 5. large farming operations designed to grow cash crops
  3. 6. this country has banned logging in natural forests
  4. 8. rainforests are a source of this
  5. 9. one of the major cash crops of Southeast Asia
  6. 10. more than 40 percent of the population work in this
  7. 11. fast-growing grass that can grow to about 100 feet
  8. 12. raising of crops and livestock for sale on the local or world market
  9. 14. one of the world's largest suppliers of bamboo
  1. 1. in this country, more than 90 percent of rainforests have been cleared
  2. 3. farming that provides only enough for a family or for a village
  3. 4. represents the extent of the rain forest in 3000BC on the map on page 413
  4. 5. a level field that is flooded to grow rice
  5. 7. Southeast Asian countries use this resource to generate electricity
  6. 13. chief crop of Southeast Asia