
  1. 5. a nearly level surface at the bottom of the valley through which the stream is flowing
  2. 8. meltwater leaving a glacier deposits some of the debris close to the glacier in a broad, gently sloping plain
  3. 10. rain fall soaks into the soil to accumulate into
  4. 11. landforms in the desert that can form a hard, armored surface
  5. 12. what type of weathering happens when rocks are broken down by physical force?
  6. 15. the most common type of rock in the United States; results when rocks eroded from higher elevations accumulate at lower elevations
  1. 1. what type of glaciers are over 2 miles thick and cover vast areas of Greenland and Antarctica?
  2. 2. what type of weathering is a change in elements that compose rocks when they are exposed to air and water?
  3. 3. the study of landforms and the processes that create them
  4. 4. a stream drains groundwater and overland flow from an area called its
  5. 6. movement within Earth and between the plates generates molten rock called
  6. 7. a speed at which a wave travels is affected by its
  7. 9. what type of glaciers form wherever snow accumulates year after year without melting?
  8. 13. a surface on which waves constantly break and move sand up and down
  9. 14. this structure can help protect against ocean erosion or natural disasters