Landforms and Natural Disasters

  1. 3. A triangle of sand and soil deposited at the mouth of some large rivers.
  2. 4. A high, level (flat) area of land.
  3. 6. An overflow of water onto land that is not normally under water.
  4. 8. A storm of very strong winds that form a cloud shaped like a funnel.
  5. 9. The wide part of a river's lower end, where it meets the sea.
  6. 15. An opening in the earth's crust through which melted rock, ash, and gases are forced out.
  7. 18. A raised area of land smaller than a mountain.
  8. 19. Occurs when hot materials from the Earth's interior are thrown out of a volcano.
  9. 20. A narrow space between rocky cliffs.
  10. 22. A deep valley with steep sides.
  11. 23. A natural hole or hollow in the earth.
  12. 24. Where two tectonic plates move away from each other causing rift valleys to form.
  13. 25. A piece of land surrounded on nearly all sides by water. It is connected to a larger body of land by a usually narrow strip of land.
  1. 1. A long area of low land between mountains or hills. A stream or river often runs through it.
  2. 2. Where two tectonic plates slide past each other, often causing earthquakes.
  3. 5. A shaking or other movement of part of the earth's surface caused by movement deep within the earth.
  4. 7. A mound or ridge of coral skeletons and calcium deposits that forms in warm, shallow sea waters.
  5. 10. A very large, often destructive sea wave caused by a marine earthquake or volcanic explosion.
  6. 11. Where two tectonic plates move toward each other and one goes under the other (subduction) often causing volcanoes.
  7. 12. A land mass with great height and steep sides that is higher than a hill.
  8. 13. A powerful storm with heavy rains and winds that blow in a circle at 73 miles per hour or more.
  9. 14. A high, steep face of rock or earth.
  10. 16. A large, flat area of land with few trees.
  11. 17. A large body of ice moving slowly down a slope or valley, or spreading outward on a land surface.
  12. 21. Where two tectonic plates move toward each other and is pushed upward to form mountains.