Landons Natural Resources

  1. 3. Shallow seas allow light to warm the waters
  2. 6. Natural parts from the ocean.
  3. 7. Very toxic and dangerous to do.
  4. 8. Not all plastics are recycable
  5. 10. Soil,Climate,Biology,Topography
  6. 11. Goverment stopped fishing this fish in 1992 but what fish
  7. 15. Water includes lakes rivers above the earth
  8. 17. How much of the worlds fresh water is available for direct human use
  9. 20. Solar,Geothermal,Biomass,Hydro,Waves,Tides,Wind,Nuclear,Fossil Fuels
  10. 22. Fuels: Burning coal, oil or natural gas, its not renewable, harmfull and its cheap easy setup
  11. 23. Water below the earths surface
  12. 25. Weeds, Plants, insect pests.
  13. 27. What can cause water pollution and acid rain.
  14. 28. Something that can replenish or replace its self.
  15. 29. Island of garbage that goes into ocean.
  16. 30. Can kill or harm fish in oceans.
  17. 31. Humas is decaying organic material and is an important factor for a ... fertility
  1. 1. Small areas of land and lots of work
  2. 2. Near the earths surface to recover mineral deposits
  3. 4. Made for strength, rarity and known as metals
  4. 5. Neither of the 2 and are used for construction
  5. 9. 20 percent of worlds fresh water
  6. 12. How much fresh water is locked up in ice.
  7. 13. Minerals burned to make energy, dead plants/animals
  8. 14. Deep mineral deposits and is very dangerous with machines and man power with transportation.
  9. 16. Flat and well drained land best for farming
  10. 18. renewable Something that can only be used once and take years to replace.
  11. 19. How many classes are there for minerals
  12. 21. Large areas of land and little work
  13. 24. Large hale that is dug for getting ore near the earths surface and leaving scars.
  14. 26. Sources, Transmission, Distribution