- 1. for example "cats", "dogs", "houses" etc
- 3. word used to describe nouns like "sheep", "geese and "skies"
- 5. the large dog barked at the _______is an example
- 6. the word that links nouns to do with place, time etc
- 7. the most common verb in English
- 9. name of nouns that aren't touchable etc, e.g. imagination
- 10. the name we give to objects, people etc
- 11. when nouns and verbs are accurate together
- 12. form of words like "fell", "saw", and "said"
- 15. word used to give description about a noun
- 1. a form of a verb, e.g. sits or is sitting
- 2. the ________ kicked the ball is an example
- 4. the name for nouns that we can count
- 8. tricky word class; can give information about verbs, adverbs and adjectives
- 13. an example of a joining word, "but" and "so" are others
- 14. an example of the definite article (clue: little words)