Language Contact Crossword

  1. 3. The less dominant variety in a language contact situation such as during the development of pidgins.
  2. 4. A language variety that is stripped down to its essentials, that is, not very linguistically complex. They arise in language contact situations, for example, trade, and are used as a lingua franca. Often a precursor or early stage of creoles, they tend to have a fairly developed vocabulary and basic linguistic structure but, unlike creoles, they are not spoken as a first language and are used in limited social settings
  3. 5. a reduction in the number of creole features in the speech of an individual or community as a variety moves along the creole continuum towards standardization.
  4. 7. An agreed upon common language for commercial or social exchange. An alternative language used between people who speak different native languages when they need to interact on a regular basis.
  1. 1. Related to lexifier langauge. A variety that has influenced the structure or use of another language in contact. It is the more dominant variety, like English or Arabic for example.
  2. 2. The language that supplies most of the vocabulary (i.e., lexicon) for a pidgin or creole.
  3. 6. A language variety that develops out of a pidgin in a language contact situation. Unlike pidgins, a community or group of speakers speaks these varieties as a first language, and they can be used in the entire range of social settings.