Language of the Heart

  1. 2. The smooth inner surface layer of the cardiac wall.
  2. 6. Another name for the SA node
  3. 9. Venous blood returning from the cardiac circulation collects in the ___ ____ before it enters the right atrium.
  4. 10. A double layered closed sac that surround and cushions the heart.
  5. 13. Term for difficulting in breathing during an angia attack.
  6. 15. Term used to describe a heart rate less then 60 beats/min.
  7. 17. Term for meaning between the ventricles.
  8. 19. The AV node extension into the interventricular septum is called the atrioventricular ____.
  9. 21. The higher-pitched ___ heart sound is produced when the semilunar valves close near the end of ventricle systole.
  10. 22. Abbreviation for electrocardiogram.
  11. 25. BP may be increased by increasing ___ resistance. (vasoconstriction)
  12. 26. Muscular layer of the heart wall.
  13. 29. Term used to describe a heart rate in excess of 100 beats/min.
  14. 34. A surgical technique that uses a balloon like structure to increase the diameter of coronary arteries.
  15. 35. Relaxation of a heart chamber.
  16. 36. Structurally descriptive name for the right AV valve.
  17. 40. The node in the right atrium the initiates heart beats at 70 to 80 times/min.
  18. 41. A large coronary ___ runs obliquely around the heart separating the atria from the ventricles.
  19. 42. A condition in which one or both of the cusps of the mitral valve is stretched so that it bulges in to the left atrium.
  20. 43. The more pointed part of the whole heart is called the ___.
  1. 1. Flap like ___ are extensions of the atria.
  2. 3. Cardiac muscle cells that form a knot or lump are referred to as a ___.
  3. 4. Profuse perspiration accompanying an attack of angia pectoris.
  4. 5. The volume of blood pumped during each cardiac cycle (70 ml) is called the ___ volume.
  5. 7. Large artery that the left ventricle opens into to carry blood to the systemic circulation.
  6. 8. The heart sound that results from the closing of the AV valves.
  7. 9. Thin connective tissue known as heart strings connecting the papillary muscles to the AV valves.
  8. 10. The large artery leaving the heart that carries blood to the lungs is called the _____ trunk.
  9. 11. A pressure of 120 ml of Hg may result due to _____ systole.
  10. 12. Prolonged ischemia to the cardiac muscle can cause cell death resulting in a ______.
  11. 14. The ___ node cause beats at about 40 to 60 per minute.
  12. 16. A blood pressure sensory receptor in the carotid or aortic sinus.
  13. 18. A blood oxygen deficiency to an organ.
  14. 19. The flat portion of the heart on the right side of the mediastinum.
  15. 20. The type of heart chamber that has thick muscular wall.
  16. 23. Condition lacking a definite rhythm or no rhythm.
  17. 24. Blood leaves the heart through the ______ valve.
  18. 27. The thin walled entrance chambers of the heart.
  19. 28. The repetitive pumping process that begins with the onset of a cardiac contraction to the beginning of the next contraction is called the cardiac ____.
  20. 30. Abbreviation for blood pressure.
  21. 31. Muscles that keep the AV valve from opening into the atria when the ventricles contract.
  22. 32. Another name for the bicuspid valve between the left atria & ventricle.
  23. 33. The total amount of blood pumped/min is called cardiac ____.
  24. 37. The partition wall between atria and ventricles is called a ____.
  25. 38. Abnormal heart sounds.
  26. 39. Contraction of a heart chamber.