large animal

  1. 2. to eat bushes, shrubs or trees
  2. 5. Bovine Viral Diarrhea
  3. 10. castrated male goat
  4. 11. the amount of wave in wool
  5. 12. California Mastitis Test
  6. 13. birthing of goats
  7. 15. large pill or mass of food
  8. 17. (2 words) heat detecting bull altered to be unable to breed successfully
  9. 19. (2 words) heavily keratinized surface of the upper jaw of ruminants that occludes with the lower incisors
  10. 23. giving birth to dairy animals, thus starting a fresh lactation cycle
  11. 25. to remove an animal from the rest because it does not meet a standard or is unproductive
  12. 28. sheared
  13. 29. birthing of pigs
  14. 30. Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis
  1. 1. adult female sheep
  2. 3. sheep restraint in sitting position
  3. 4. castrated male cow
  4. 6. oral administration of liquid medication; oral liquid medication
  5. 7. streaks of fat distributed throughout meat
  6. 8. mechanical restraint device for cattle
  7. 9. cow that is near parturition
  8. 14. debudding; to remove horn growth in kids or calves by sue of a hot iron or caustic substance
  9. 16. animals with hooves: artiodactyls and perissodactyls
  10. 18. breed of a normally horned species that does not grow horn
  11. 20. feeding high quality feed before slaughter to increase carcass quality and yield
  12. 21. (2 words) ending the production of milk when milk yield is low or before freshening
  13. 22. intact adult male deer
  14. 24. mechanical device that secures livestock around the neck to allow accessibility for feeding, milking and examining
  15. 26. Left Displaced Abdomasum
  16. 27. young llama
  17. 29. Food Safety Inspection Service