Latin II Lesson 18

  1. 3. volucris
  2. 6. celeriter
  3. 7. trick
  4. 9. revolt from
  5. 12. ingens
  6. 16. dolus
  7. 17. breviter
  8. 21. President who was a peanut farmer
  9. 23. the second President of the US
  10. 25. President who was in office during the civil war
  11. 27. He drove Hamilton crazy
  12. 29. sin
  13. 30. scelus
  14. 31. vulture
  15. 33. hospes
  16. 34. cinis
  17. 35. withdraw
  1. 1. talis
  2. 2. shortly
  3. 4. deficio
  4. 5. vaco
  5. 8. felix
  6. 10. huge
  7. 11. first President to ride in a car
  8. 13. concedo
  9. 14. first pres to have electricity in White House
  10. 15. President who made Christmas a national holiday
  11. 18. such
  12. 19. quickly
  13. 20. guest
  14. 21. embers
  15. 22. intro
  16. 24. equal
  17. 26. enter
  18. 28. happy
  19. 32. be open