Latin Vocab Alessandra

  1. 3. Before
  2. 5. Foward
  3. 6. Break,Burst
  4. 8. The cat is ___, because she ate a mouse.
  5. 10. Around
  6. 12. Live,Alive
  7. 13. Break
  8. 15. I couldn't ___ what she was saying.
  9. 16. From,Down
  10. 19. Half
  11. 20. Conquer,Show conclusively
  12. 21. Killing,Killer
  13. 22. She was an ___person,because she didn't said thank you for the food.
  14. 25. The class was so ___, so the teacher had to speak loud.
  15. 26. Beyond,Exceedingly
  16. 27. After
  17. 28. Again,Back
  1. 1. Throw,Cast
  2. 2. It is ___ to go to school.
  3. 4. Eat Greedily
  4. 5. Before
  5. 7. She was ___ that her grades would go up.
  6. 8. The school was ___ about bulling.
  7. 9. Her powers are so ___.She could destroy the most powerful animal.
  8. 11. My TV show was ___ to my music.
  9. 14. Apart,Away
  10. 17. Bind,Draw tight
  11. 18. All,Every,Everywhere
  12. 23. Backward
  13. 24. The girl ___ the new student to the office.
  14. 27. Foot