Laura's Bridal Shower

  1. 4. Laura's favorite Childhood Game
  2. 6. Laura's Oldest Brother
  3. 7. Mother's Maiden Name
  4. 8. Number of siblings
  5. 11. Laura's College
  6. 13. Where does Laura live?
  7. 14. Where is the wedding?
  8. 16. Where Laura & Steve met for drinks on their 1st date
  9. 20. Laura's Favorite Store
  10. 22. Laura's Future Last Name
  11. 23. Where Laura & Steve ate dinner on their 1st date
  12. 24. Laura & Steve's Asian Dog
  13. 25. Laura's Favorite Food
  1. 1. Stevenson's 1st Family Dog
  2. 2. Maid of Honor
  3. 3. Laura's middle name
  4. 5. Laura's 1st Job
  5. 9. Laura's High School
  6. 10. Laura's Favorite Movie
  7. 12. Laura & Steve's American Dog
  8. 15. Laura's Favorite Color
  9. 17. Laura's Dream Job as a Child
  10. 18. Laura's Other Brother
  11. 19. Whose house is this?
  12. 21. Honeymoon Location