Law & Criminal Justice Vocabulary

  1. 3. Deliberate, or having thought about doing something before actually doing it
  2. 6. The deliberate and malicious burning of another person's property
  3. 7. Stalking or harassment using electronic communications
  4. 8. An act or failure to act that violates a law and for which a government has a set penalty
  5. 11. The deliberate destruction or defacement of another person's property
  6. 13. The act of requesting or strongly urging someone to do something
  7. 15. A person who helps a person commit the crime and is at the crime scene
  8. 16. An effort to commit a crime that goes beyond mere preparation but does not result in the commission of the crime
  9. 17. The act of following or harassing another person, causing the fear of death or injury
  10. 19. A person who either orders the crime, helps the crime be committed, or helps cover up the crime but IS NOT at the crime scene
  11. 21. The failure to exercise a reasonable amount of care in either doing, or not doing something, resulting in harm or injury to another person
  12. 22. Unlawful physical contact inflicted by one person upon another without consent
  1. 1. The killing of another person (can be criminal, noncriminal, or negligent)
  2. 2. The unlawful taking of another's property with the intent to steal it
  3. 4. Ill will; deliberate intent to harm someone
  4. 5. A person who commits a crime
  5. 9. The act of restoring something to its owner; the act of making good for loss or damage; repaying or refunding illegally obtained money or property
  6. 10. Latin term referring to state of mind
  7. 12. Threat (or attempt) to carry out a physical attack upon another person
  8. 14. An agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime along with a substantial act toward committing the crime
  9. 18. Imprisonment by the government
  10. 20. Taking away a person against that person's will; aka Abduction