Law Cross Examination

  1. 3. The opinion of those that agree with the majority decision but on different terms
  2. 4. The party bringing the case in a criminal case
  3. 5. The winning opinion
  4. 8. The party bringing the case in a civil lawsuit
  5. 9. The opinion in opposition to the majority opinion
  6. 11. A type of case between a person and the law
  7. 12. bargain To plead guilty in exchange for a lighter sentence
  1. 1. An agreement to exchange something of value
  2. 2. A type of case that deals with problems between individuals
  3. 3. A writ from a higher court to a lower court requesting to review a case
  4. 4. A decision that sets an example for cases following
  5. 6. Monetary compensation
  6. 7. Written defamation
  7. 10. Spoken defamation