Law puzzle

  1. 5. Asking someone to help with a crime
  2. 6. A criminal law jurisdiction that results in a claimant to suffer loss or harm.
  3. 8. unlawful deceitful gain.
  4. 9. Rea Actus Reus: The Latin word for a crime's form of action and revenge
  5. 10. The act of carelessness by trespassing or discriminating someone's property.
  6. 12. A crime that has to do with
  7. 13. Crime: A crime that is incomplete
  1. 1. Criminal law that has permanent consequences
  2. 2. Causing the fear of immediate physical contact to the victim
  3. 3. A tort that protects ones reputation
  4. 4. Criminal law that has permanent consequences
  5. 7. Possession: The Possession of an Illegal substance or object.
  6. 8. The person in court who explains the preponderance evidence of a crime
  7. 11. A crime that causes offensive physical contact toward a victim, leading to apprehension