Law, society and Political involvement

  1. 4. To attempt to enlist popular and political support for some particular cause.
  2. 6. The power of an individual or party has by holding the casting vote.
  3. 10. The Lower House of Federal Parliament, sometimes called the People's House.
  4. 11. A document which sets out how an organisation or a country will be governed.
  5. 17. A serious criminal offence
  6. 18. When each senator must win a set proportion of votes, or quota, to win a Senate seat.
  7. 20. The Upper House of the Federal Parliament, sometimes called the State's house.
  8. 21. Half the number of formal votes received in an election plus one.
  9. 22. The standard of proof required in a criminal trial.
  1. 1. A candidate or member of parliament who is not a member of a political party.
  2. 2. the standard of proof in civil traits.
  3. 3. A government without a voting majority, which relies on the support of other parties or independents.
  4. 5. A grading system based on order of importance.
  5. 7. A counting system that is designed to allow the majority of Australians to have their say in an election by stating the order in which they prefer candidates.
  6. 8. The party in a criminal or civil trail against whom an action has been brought.
  7. 9. An area of government responsibility, such as health or defence.
  8. 12. A vote on a proposed change to the Australian constitution. For it to pass, the majority of people in the majority of states must vote yes.
  9. 13. the group of select government ministers that meets regularly to decide major issues of government.
  10. 14. The number of votes that a Senate candidate must get to win a Senate seat.
  11. 15. Order in which voters list candidates at an election, after they have made their first choice.
  12. 16. a piece of paper on which a voter records their vote.
  13. 19. A government that becomes possible because two or more parties agree to work together, and hence gain the majority of the votes.