Law Terms Crossword: Criminal Law

  1. 3. Consciously taking an unjustifiable risk that a reasonable person would not take
  2. 5. Federal/Provincial Statutes meant to protect the public
  3. 9. An illegal act
  4. 10. An awareness of certain facts - often used to help establish mens rea
  5. 11. The laws that prohibit/punish illegal acts that harm society as a whole
  6. 12. “Guilty Act” the physical action of a crime (Can also be an omission of an action)
  7. 13. If many people are involved in a crime but one person commits a different crime during the process all parties can be charged because they are _____
  8. 15. The state of mind in which someone desires to carry out an act fully knowing what the repercussions will be and disregards the consequences.
  9. 17. Committing a crime to accomplish something else - to have an ulterior motive
  10. 22. Offences where mens rea does not need to be proven and there is no defence
  11. 23. Specific and reckless disregard for life/safety of others, often causing injury or death
  12. 24. The intention of committing a crime for the sake of the crime - no ulterior motives
  13. 25. Encouraging someone to commit a crime, egging them on
  14. 26. An agreement between two or more people to carry out an illegal act
  15. 27. Trying to commit a crime but failing (still an indictable offence)
  1. 1. Helping someone commit a crime
  2. 2. Laws dealing with less serious offences, tried at provincial/municipal level and sentence is often a fine
  3. 4. Offences that do not require mens rea but that can use the defence of due dilligence
  4. 6. Someone who helps those who have committed a crime escape the police/capture
  5. 7. Legal responsibility
  6. 8. Deliberately closing one’s mind to knowledge/consequences of one’s actions.
  7. 14. “Guilty Mind”
  8. 16. That one took every reasonable precaution - defence that can be used in strict liability offences
  9. 18. Advising someone on the best way to commit a crime (potentially providing tools or information)
  10. 19. Why someone commits a crime
  11. 20. All the different people involved in a crime
  12. 21. The person (or people) who actually commit the crime.