Laws, Ordinances and Christ Hebrews 9+10

  1. 6. 9v15 What does Christ redeem those that believe from, under the first law?
  2. 9. 10v30 What belongs to the Lord?
  3. 11. 10v16 What does the Lord make with those who hold his Laws in heart and mind?
  4. 12. 9v11 What tabernacle did Christ stand as High Priest in?
  5. 13. 10v3 What is the point of repeated sacrifices?
  6. 15. 9v3 What separated the tabernacle from the Holiest?
  7. 20. 10v6 What do the burnt offerings not bring?
  8. 23. 9v12 What did Christ offer to redeem his people?
  9. 24. 9v19 Moses used blood to seal every ___ of the Law for his people.
  10. 25. 9v8 Who signified the importance of what was not shown yet? (2 words)
  11. 26. 9v17 What is in force after men die?
  1. 1. 9v22 What does not come without the shedding of blood?
  2. 2. 10v24 The Saints should ____ one another in love and good works.
  3. 3. 9v26 What did Christ use to put away sin?
  4. 4. 10v17 The lord promises his people that he will not do what, of their sins?
  5. 5. 10v10 How many times does Jesus offering need to be made to impact everyone?
  6. 7. 9v2 What was on the table with the candlestick?
  7. 8. 10v38 What do the Saints live by?
  8. 10. 9v14 What does Christ's sacrifice purge for us?
  9. 14. 9v7 Who went into the second Tabernacle alone? (2 words)
  10. 16. 10v20 What is this new way?
  11. 17. 9v6 Who went into the first Tabernacle?
  12. 18. 10v15 What does the Holy Ghost bring to us?
  13. 19. 9v13 What did the blood and ashes of animals purify?
  14. 21. 10v1 What was a shadow of good things to come?
  15. 22. 9v4 Who owned the budded staff?