Layers of Soil

  1. 3. organisms that break the remains of dead organisms down
  2. 4. the leaves that plants have shed on top of the top soil
  3. 6. dark colored substance that forms as plants and animals decay
  4. 8. crumbly dark brown soil is a mixture of humus, clay, and minerals
  5. 10. grinding away of rock by other rock particles
  6. 11. iron combines with oxygen and water to form rust
  7. 12. farmers disturb the soil as little as possible
  8. 14. b horizon and consists of clay and other particles washed down
  9. 18. rock is broken down by chemical changes
  10. 20. where farmers plow their fields along the curves of a slpoe
  1. 1. layer of soil that differs in color and texture from other layers
  2. 2. farmer plants a different crop in a field each year
  3. 5. the removal of rock by wind, water, and ice
  4. 7. when rock is physically broken down
  5. 9. material is full of tiny air spaces that let water seep
  6. 13. measure of how well the soil supports plant growth
  7. 15. the loose,weathered material on Earth's surface plants grow here
  8. 16. solid layer of rock beneath the soil
  9. 17. process that breaks down rock with heat, cold, or water
  10. 19. soil that is made of equal parts of clay, sand, and silt