LC 9 - Sowmyasree K.

  1. 2. A supporter of the arts
  2. 4. Modeled to be perfect
  3. 8. Peasants who work in a fief for protection and food from a vassal
  4. 10. An East Asian people known for their battle prowess and conquests
  5. 12. A document signed by King John which makes any law the king erects have to be approved by Parliament
  6. 13. The people who settled Hungary and came from Ural
  7. 14. Someone, usually a knight, who managed land for a lord
  8. 15. The rigid social system of medieval Europe, here the Crown gives a fief to a lord, which has a vassal manage said fief
  9. 16. Land consisting of a lord and his demesne
  10. 18. English law based off custom and judicial present
  11. 20. Not being bound by religious rule
  12. 22. A group of peoples living in Central Europe and Scandinavia
  13. 24. A conflict between France and England in the 14-15 centuries
  1. 1. An expedition set out by Spain to catholicize the Americas
  2. 3. The revival of culture and art in 14-16 century Europe
  3. 5. A philosophy focusing on human potential rather than divine beings
  4. 6. The illegal action of lending money immorally
  5. 7. A plague that swept through Europe, taking out 30-50% of the population
  6. 9. A Germanic People who conquered Gaul and settled there
  7. 11. Medieval expeditions made by Europeans to conquer land from the Muslims
  8. 17. The Germanic tribes who conquered the Roman Empire
  9. 19. Relating to the Middle Ages
  10. 21. The medieval knight's system of moral, social and religious behaviors
  11. 23. A piece of land given to a lord by the king/prince and managed by a vassal