LCB Shower #2

  1. 3. pathway to the altar
  2. 5. proposal pose
  3. 9. Mom & Dad's job for wedding
  4. 11. digit decoration
  5. 12. favorite part of Lauren's job (other than Friday afternoon)
  6. 14. Lauren's favorite color
  7. 17. feel deep affection for
  8. 18. for how long?
  9. 19. flung to the friends
  10. 20. Lauren is afraid of these flying creatures
  1. 1. wedding cake flavor
  2. 2. where Lauren was born
  3. 4. dry run for the big day
  4. 6. promises, promises
  5. 7. engaged woman
  6. 8. wedding day emotion
  7. 10. Lauren tried on 10 dresses. Which one did she buy?
  8. 13. wish for the married couple
  9. 15. Lauren's undergrad major
  10. 16. wards off the evil eye, and stands for love, purity, and fidelity