League of Legends Crossword N°1

  1. 1. God
  2. 4. Annie
  3. 6. League of legends sweet heart
  4. 8. Even his teacher ...
  5. 9. Yolo Swag
  6. 11. Puns of damage
  7. 15. Korean hype train driver
  8. 16. E-sport "Journalist'
  9. 17. 420 blaze it
  10. 18. Dongers
  1. 2. Spanish Inseec
  2. 3. I'm so tired Duuuuuude ...
  3. 5. Why is my smite not working ???
  4. 7. Spanish bronze midlaner
  5. 10. Hamster
  6. 12. Mid playerino no copy pasterino
  7. 13. Nidalee / Leblanc
  8. 14. Baguette
  9. 17. lift Does he even ?