
  1. 3. favorite instrument to play
  2. 5. pinschers xena and bandit breed
  3. 11. admires our cuteness
  4. 12. high school mascot
  5. 13. favorite candy
  6. 15. shoe size
  7. 17. major
  8. 19. color of my hair
  9. 22. dream job
  10. 26. breed of my horses
  11. 27. routine performing at saturday's game
  12. 28. where grandpa lives
  1. 1. favorite horse
  2. 2. favorite type of music
  3. 4. least fav movie topic
  4. 6. favorite type of study music
  5. 7. what my hair is
  6. 8. my college sport
  7. 9. favorite internet pastime
  8. 10. deceased horse
  9. 14. high school sport played
  10. 16. favorite season
  11. 17. was the fat dog of the house
  12. 18. dorm
  13. 20. dream number of kids
  14. 21. hometown
  15. 23. what i wear on my face
  16. 24. dad's fav baseball team
  17. 25. instrument played in band