Lean CLE 7 current state

  1. 1. six performance metrics to be captured in VSM (acronym)
  2. 4. sum of between process times (acronym)
  3. 5. arrow to show transport of materials to customer
  4. 6. VSM symbol for go and see
  5. 7. most frequently ordered item across the year
  6. 10. symbol used on VSM for inventory
  7. 11. sum of process times (acronym)
  8. 12. the product family for which value stream is mapped
  1. 1. Arrow with stripes
  2. 2. star shaped ______bursts
  3. 3. Bought at consistent intervals but not in all the months
  4. 6. bought once in a while
  5. 8. define the ________before starting the VSM.
  6. 9. most important manufacturing metric measuring overall effectiveness
  7. 11. value added ratio