
  1. 3. Listening to and creating music
  2. 4. Studying numbers, calculations, and equations
  3. 5. Creating words and sentences on paper
  4. 8. Understanding the rules of language
  5. 12. Creating and appreciating visual works of art
  6. 13. Learning computer programming and coding
  7. 14. Education Engaging in physical activities and sports
  8. 15. Learning about past events and people
  1. 1. Paying attention to sounds and understanding them
  2. 2. Using words and sentences to communicate orally
  3. 6. Looking at written words and understanding them
  4. 7. Studying maps, locations, and landforms
  5. 9. Learning new words and their meanings
  6. 10. Exploring the natural world and conducting experiments
  7. 11. Solving Finding solutions to challenges and puzzles