Learning about disasters!

  1. 4. Soil, rocks and debris that move suddenly of slowly down a slope
  2. 5. An overflow of water that covers a usually dry area is caused by heavy rains that the soil cannot absord.
  3. 7. This scale is used to measure earthquakes
  4. 9. Strong winds accompanied by a storm.
  5. 10. Violent shaking of the Earth's surface caused by the movement of the tectonic plates.
  1. 1. A process in wich substances combine chemically with oxygen from tge air provoking combustion or burning.
  2. 2. Destructive fires in forest and other areas covered by vegetation
  3. 3. A spill of petroleum into the surface of a large body of water caused by an accident of terrorist attempt.
  4. 6. The shortage of water for an excessive time.
  5. 8. A storm with strong winds and rain