Learning unit 1

  1. 2. Online learning is said to be _____ because learners get to study whenever and wherever they want
  2. 5. Teaching and learning do not take place at the same time
  3. 7. ______suggests students should combine thoughts, theories, and general information in a useful manner
  4. 8. Student learn ____ when they are guided by an instructor
  5. 9. Students need to have high _____ to complete an online learning course
  6. 10. Teaching and learning that take place at the same time in a classroom
  1. 1. A learning _____ explains the different ways people learn by focusing on the internal and external influences that affect the learning process
  2. 3. Learners get to set their own______during online learning
  3. 4. Which learning theory focusses on how information is received, organized, stored and retrieved by the mind
  4. 6. Which learning theory explain learning by observing how students respond to certain stimuli