Leçon 2 En ville Imaginez: Tout le vocabulaire

  1. 3. suburb, outskirts
  2. 7. plaza
  3. 8. housing
  4. 10. sidewalk
  5. 13. foreigner, stranger (f.)
  6. 14. police headquarters
  7. 16. driver (f.)
  8. 18. noisy (f)
  9. 19. to have fun
  10. 21. d'affichage billboard
  11. 23. d'autobus bus stop
  12. 24. to give directions
  13. 27. public transportation
  14. 31. police officer
  15. 33. traffic jam
  16. 34. courthouse
  17. 36. city planning
  18. 38. street
  19. 41. to talk, converse with
  20. 42. to build
  21. 43. private
  22. 44. to go past
  23. 45. unexpected
  24. 49. pedestrian
  25. 50. fire station
  26. 52. to get bored
  27. 53. citizen
  28. 55. densely populated
  29. 57. daily
  30. 59. neighborhood
  31. 61. to be lost
  32. 62. construction
  33. 64. skyscraper
  34. 65. to populate
  35. 67. traffic light
  36. 68. city hall
  1. 1. nightlife
  2. 2. to stop, keep from
  3. 4. lively
  4. 5. to get off, go down steps
  5. 6. foreigner, stranger (m.)
  6. 9. to get in a car
  7. 11. to drive
  8. 12. public garden
  9. 15. roommate, co-tenant
  10. 17. driver (m.)
  11. 20. roundabout
  12. 22. bridge
  13. 25. police station
  14. 26. to improve
  15. 28. traffic
  16. 29. passenger (m.)
  17. 30. to live
  18. 32. building
  19. 35. lane, road, track
  20. 37. mayor
  21. 39. intersection
  22. 40. sparsely populated
  23. 46. passenger (f.)
  24. 47. movie theater
  25. 48. subway stop
  26. 51. to be located
  27. 54. safe
  28. 56. city-dweller
  29. 58. downtown
  30. 60. crosswalk
  31. 63. museum
  32. 66. full *Not to use at a meal!
  33. 69. empty