Lecture 17-19 Kidney Endo Diabetes Obesity

  1. 2. testicular cells that produce androgens
  2. 5. this calcium -dependent movement of insulin granules out of the cell
  3. 7. this biomarker reflects average blood sugar levels over the past 2-3 months
  4. 9. abbreviation, precursor protein which is cleaved to produce ACTH and MSH
  5. 11. phosphorylation of these amino acid residues on IRS-1 leads to insulin resistance
  6. 12. Used as an indicator of renal function, very low value indicates kidney failure
  7. 13. insulin-producing cells are destroyed by this process in Type 1 diabetes
  8. 15. the ob/ob transgenic mouse is deficient in _____________
  9. 19. this syndrome is associated with insulin resistance, high triglycerides, central adiposity
  10. 20. ovarian cells that produce estrogens
  11. 21. leptin binds to these neurons to stimulate the release of this substance and create sense of satiety
  12. 24. adipose tissue is comprised of these cells
  13. 25. inflammation of renal glomeruli caused by antigen-antibody reaction within glomerular capillaries
  14. 26. Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease is associated with mutations in the gene for this protein
  15. 27. diabetic ___________ is the leading cause of blindness
  16. 31. having a large ________ size is associated with greater abdominal fat, and central adiposity
  17. 33. _________ kidney, two kidneys fused together, congenital anomaly
  18. 34. the leptin receptor is located in the pituitary, reproductive system and this central brain gland
  19. 35. enzyme that converts androgens to estrogens
  20. 36. abbreviation, transport protein that carries estrogens
  21. 37. one of the two major thyroid hormones
  22. 38. too much growth hormone, typically caused by pituitary tumor
  23. 39. endocrine gland located in brain
  1. 1. this is one of the causes of pre-renal, acute kidney failure
  2. 3. this kinase is activated by physiological stressors associated with obesity, stress and inflammation
  3. 4. disease characterized by high ACTH, President JFK diagnosed with this disease
  4. 6. syndrome characterized by puffy face, caused by high doses of corticosteroids
  5. 8. individuals with Laron’s dwarfism have very low rates of this disease
  6. 10. this enzyme converts androgens to estrogens
  7. 14. this hormone stimulates differentiation of fat cells from multipotent stem cells
  8. 16. the insulin receptor phosphorylates targets on these amino acid residues
  9. 17. scientific name for kidney stones; renal _____________
  10. 18. this enzyme phosphorylates glucose in the glycolysis cycle to ultimately produce ATP
  11. 22. diabetic ____________ is associated with degeneration of peripheral nerves
  12. 23. enlargement of the thyroid gland
  13. 25. muscle cells express this transporter in their cell membrane to mediate glucose uptake
  14. 28. form of signaling that impacts neighbor cells
  15. 29. ________ tumor is a primitive cell tumor that may be caused by mutations in WT1
  16. 30. blood in urine
  17. 32. these cells secrete insulin
  18. 40. method for removing waste products such as potassium and urea, as well as free water from the blood