Lectures 2 & 3 - Seed Laws

  1. 5. time limit, in years, for PVP and utility patents
  2. 6. legal instrument used to new inventions, more restrictive than other options
  3. 9. length of time, in years, that Federal Seed Act requires records to be kept
  4. 11. year of passage for Plant Variety Protection Act
  5. 13. truth-in-labeling law regulating the U.S. seed industry, name and year of passage
  1. 1. _________ govt(s)., jurisdiction for laws specifiying minimum quality standards of U.S.-grown seed
  2. 2. U.S. govt. agency that administers utility patent system
  3. 3. length of time, in years, that Federal Seed Act requires seed samples to be kept
  4. 4. legal instrument used to protect new and distinct varieties of potatoes and seed-propagated plant species
  5. 7. legal instrument used to protect new and distinct varieties of asexually-propagated plant species
  6. 8. term for a farmer legally saving seed of PVP-protected varieties for his/her own use
  7. 10. year of Diamond v. Chakrabarty Supreme Court case
  8. 11. year of passage for Plant Patent Act
  9. 12. U.S. govt. agency that administers PVP system (abbr.)