Legacy/Influence of Shakespeare
- 7. Age Hamnet died.
- 8. His father's occupation.
- 12. His birth month.
- 14. Made an impact on ________ literature.
- 15. Started acting in _______.
- 17. Shakespeare had _____ siblings.
- 1. Month Shakespeare got married.
- 2. Amount of kids Shakespeare had.
- 3. Established the ______ Theatre.
- 4. The amount of narrative poems.
- 5. The age of which he retired.
- 6. The amount of plays Shakespeare wrote.
- 9. Shakespeare's wife.
- 10. Most recognizable romantic tragedy.
- 11. The name of Shakespeare's father.
- 13. The language his school was taught in.
- 16. Known as "Bard of _____".