Legacy/Influence of Shakespeare

  1. 7. Age Hamnet died.
  2. 8. His father's occupation.
  3. 12. His birth month.
  4. 14. Made an impact on ________ literature.
  5. 15. Started acting in _______.
  6. 17. Shakespeare had _____ siblings.
  1. 1. Month Shakespeare got married.
  2. 2. Amount of kids Shakespeare had.
  3. 3. Established the ______ Theatre.
  4. 4. The amount of narrative poems.
  5. 5. The age of which he retired.
  6. 6. The amount of plays Shakespeare wrote.
  7. 9. Shakespeare's wife.
  8. 10. Most recognizable romantic tragedy.
  9. 11. The name of Shakespeare's father.
  10. 13. The language his school was taught in.
  11. 16. Known as "Bard of _____".