
  1. 1. statues The ______ divide the parties to a crime into two categories: principal in the first degree and accessory.
  2. 3. Within the Florida Statutes, the later ______ generally outline the penalties set forth for the offense; however, for some offenses, the penalty is outlined in a separate section within the chapter.
  3. 5. The last portion of the _______ provides legislative changes and dates relating to that statute.
  4. 8. When the participation and criminal conduct ______ among the defendants, it is important to determine who is responsible for which crime, or aspect of crime, and to what degree.
  5. 9. It requires grand jury indictment for capital crimes and prohibits double jeopardy and deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law.
  6. 11. intent For _____ crimes the only thing that needs to be proved is that the suspect intentionally committed the illegal act.
  7. 12. intent _______ defines most criminal offenses and requires some forbidden act by the offender.
  8. 13. Law enforcement activities affected by the ________ relate to making the contact with a suspect who is represented by counsel, and making sure reports and evidence are submitted in a timely manner.
  1. 2. A person may also commit a criminal act by failing to act, that is, by _______. To base criminal liability on failure to act, you must first find that the person had a legal duty to act and not simply a moral duty.
  2. 4. Within the Florida Statutes, there may be additional ______ which specify the elements or components of the crime.
  3. 6. offense For a person to be guilty of a ______, the offense must be defined so that the suspect engages in specific conduct or intentionally produces a specified result.
  4. 7. Establishes due process and equal protection of the laws.
  5. 10. The Florida Statute chapters are _______ topics, and are broken down into sections, which are broken down into subsections.