Legal crossword

  1. 3. A crime in which someone tries to get money out of someone else by threatening to make known something unpleasant
  2. 6. A country’s body of judges
  3. 10. A government in which the supreme power is vested in a single person
  4. 16. A police officer or a private investigator whose function is to obtain information and evidence of illegal activity
  5. 17. Treating all alike,unbiased,fair snd just
  6. 19. The largest unit of the executive branch,covering a broad area of government responsibility
  7. 20. A written or spoken statement of facts which helps to prove or disprove something at a tria
  8. 24. A person whose business is to advise people about the law
  9. 25. A formal written request to a superior
  10. 26. Lawyer who advises clients
  11. 27. Someone who makes false notes or coins
  12. 28. Not guilty of a crime
  13. 29. To seize by the authority of the law,to make someone a prisoner
  1. 1. A person,company against whom a criminal charge or civil claim is made
  2. 2. Someone who uses violence,for example bombing,for political reasons to force a government to do something
  3. 4. To charge with an offence,crime,to blame
  4. 5. Someone who takes control of a vehicle by force to make it travel to a different place
  5. 7. A person who suffers injury,loss,or death as a result of criminal activities or other circumstances
  6. 8. A claim by an accused person of having been elsewhere when an offense was committed
  7. 9. A person who robs someone with violence in the street
  8. 11. An act passed by a law-making body
  9. 12. A small room in a prison where prisoners are kept
  10. 13. Person who institutes a criminal case
  11. 14. An official who presides over a court
  12. 15. To take or receive(property,a title,etc.) by succession or will
  13. 18. To ask a high law court to change its decision or sentence
  14. 21. A legal agreement between 2 or more parties
  15. 22. The president’s disapproval of a bill that has been passed by both houses of Congress
  16. 23. A person pretending to be what he/she is not
  17. 27. To order someone to pay money as a punishment