Legal Studies

  1. 2. what the jury thinks happened
  2. 4. make a deal to admit to lesser crime to avoid a trial.
  3. 7. The police search for any clues to find the criminal
  4. 8. a victim calls the police and tells them that a crime has happened
  5. 10. decide on the final punishment
  6. 11. close questioning to a witness. opposing Lawyer is making witness seem less credible.
  7. 12. Tell judge whether you think you’re guilty or not.
  8. 14. when the judge tells the jury what their legal rules are and what has to be shown by each side to convict either way.
  9. 16. meeting with judge and lawyer to completely charge you of crime
  10. 17. Police find criminal and take him into custody
  1. 1. Finding people for the jury
  2. 3. Defendant and prosecutor get a chance to tell facts about the case
  3. 5. long process of thinking through what happened and the jury has to decide whether they vote guilty or not
  4. 6. Police make a record of the arrest
  5. 9. when the attorneys try to convince the jury that their side is right and they try to poke holes in each other's evidence
  6. 13. Judge releases you from jail until trial.
  7. 15. A judge wants a criminal arrested or something seized.