Legal terms

  1. 2. An example that is used to justify similar occurrences
  2. 3. An order compelling a person to appear in court or produce documents.
  3. 8. A conditional release from imprisonment
  4. 10. Someone who is sought by law officers
  5. 13. A lay judge or civil authority who administers the law
  6. 14. A serious crime, such as murder or arson
  7. 15. Attack someone physically or emotionally
  8. 16. An expression of grievance or resentment
  9. 18. A crime less serious than a felony
  10. 19. An instance of questioning
  11. 21. Defamatory oral statements or gestures.
  12. 22. The act or state of being an occupant
  13. 23. A penalty or other type of enforcement used to bring about compliance with the law or with rules and regulations.
  14. 24. Find or declare guilty
  15. 25. A person who transgresses moral or civil law
  1. 1. Made more severe or intense especially in law
  2. 4. Someone who commits wrongdoing
  3. 5. The criminal act of carrying someone away by force
  4. 6. The act of determining that something is false
  5. 7. The act of making or enacting laws
  6. 9. The branch of philosophy concerned with the law
  7. 11. Criminal offense of making false statements under oath
  8. 12. Failure to act with the prudence of a reasonable person
  9. 17. An act that disregards an agreement or a right
  10. 20. A judicial remedy to prohibit a party from doing something