Lenten Crossword
- 4. Bread and wine turning into Body and Blood
- 6. Prayer,Fasting,Almsgiving
- 7. A week to prepare our hearts for Easter
- 8. Jesus’ death on the cross
- 10. The Son of God who gave up His life for us
- 15. When Jesus entered Jerusalem
- 16. First to see the risen Christ
- 20. The place where Jesus was arrested
- 21. A gift from God that allows us to live the way he wants
- 23. 50 Days after Easter
- 25. For a sacred purpose
- 26. A 40 Day Preparation
- 29. when we talk to God for us to live our baptismal promises
- 30. represented by a dove, gave the apostles inspiration
- 34. So be it
- 35. First Mass
- 36. Helps us focus on the important things in our lives
- 38. To give Alms, and assist those in need
- 39. The day we celebrate the new life in Christ
- 40. We remember the Last supper
- 1. Accused Jesus of blasphemy
- 2. Passion, Death, Resurrection, and Ascension
- 3. Sentences Jesus to Death
- 5. Helped Jesus carry the cross
- 9. Baptized Jesus at the jordan river
- 11. The candle that is lit on Easter Vigil
- 12. The mass before Easter when they light Exsultet
- 13. Starts Lent
- 14. The Roman soldier who pierced Jesus on the Cross
- 17. The mission Jesus gave to the Apostles to make disciples of all nations
- 18. Jesus rises into Heaven
- 19. The day we remember Jesus' suffering and death
- 22. A Religious journey
- 24. Pierced Jesus at his side
- 27. Gave Jesus a Cloth
- 28. The symbol of the Salvation of Jesus Christ to the world
- 31. The thief who believed in Christ, while crucified next to him
- 32. Betrayed Jesus
- 33. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
- 37. 3 Days