Leon's Filmwasters Photographic X-Word Puzzle

  1. 3. colourful HIE
  2. 5. Mr Radford's speciality
  3. 8. not prime
  4. 10. common name for fix-bath
  5. 11. Popular annual Nanites event.
  6. 13. First-name of Ilford's founding father
  7. 15. Ansel's delineation
  8. 17. Skorji's Buroni
  9. 18. tree from which the first and still popular tan & stain developing agent was made.
  10. 19. Phil Bebbington's favourite three letters
  11. 21. Name for a type of toner that requires a bleach stage
  12. 22. The 100-eyed classic rangefinder classic that became the Peacock's tail?
  13. 25. Cold-light, diffuser, ........ (types of enlarger light source)
  14. 26. Refuge for high quality glass and polyester contrast control aids?
  15. 27. glass used for focusing or magnification
  1. 1. large format cameras from the italian version of Lord of the Rings?
  2. 2. Describes fingers that Leon moans about?
  3. 4. Epic cry I rot - an anagram for long dark nights
  4. 6. The photographer who squeezed the wheel
  5. 7. For when three legs are too many, and no legs is too few
  6. 9. Chinese camera lives near to the French white mountain?
  7. 12. Francois's favourite type of creation
  8. 14. European film manufacturer
  9. 15. The best German glass?
  10. 16. Minolta's APS SLR
  11. 20. the slower one from the Japanese mountain
  12. 23. The opposite of reflective metering
  13. 24. Famed Japanese cool-neutral tone black and white paper (Oriental ....)