Les sports, le corps, la santé

  1. 2. la _____ = winter time respiratory disease
  2. 7. 5 on each hand
  3. 9. connects head to body
  4. 10. animal sport popular in Kentucky
  5. 11. opposite of right
  6. 13. One who exercises regularly is probably this
  7. 14. to raise
  8. 15. blood-pumping muscle
  9. 16. to bend
  10. 17. Je regarde la télé avec les ______
  1. 1. opposite of left
  2. 3. popular indoor sport at the Winter Olympics
  3. 4. singing, talking, eating
  4. 5. When I need to get away quickly, je _______
  5. 6. Dans la bouche
  6. 8. houses the brain
  7. 11. leg, middle joint = le _____
  8. 12. J'écoute de la musique avec les ______