Lesson 14 - Illuminating

  1. 1. Amanda Gorman to poets
  2. 6. What happened?
  3. 8. Sun food
  4. 10. I have a theory...
  5. 14. Liar, Liar, pants.....
  6. 15. Can be shocking
  7. 16. light measure
  8. 17. Read, Set, Go...Grizzlies!
  9. 18. Ahhhhh.....
  1. 1. Do you need an ice pack?
  2. 2. This is not a Zoom meeting!
  3. 3. Dreaming
  4. 4. How many are in a lightning bug's bottom?
  5. 5. Say Cheese!
  6. 7. Don't forget your deodorant!
  7. 9. Stirring the pot
  8. 11. long-legged fisher bird
  9. 12. Elton John?
  10. 13. Boo Hoo!