Lesson 14: Simple Machines

  1. 7. a series intermeshing gears
  2. 8. a pulley system that has two wheels thar are connected THREE WORDS
  3. 9. a simple machine used to push things apart
  4. 13. a wheel with teeth along its edge
  5. 14. a lever that has the load between the fulcrum and the effort TWO WORDS
  6. 15. a bar that goes and down over a point
  7. 17. A flat surface whose ends are at different heights TWO WORDS
  8. 18. a lever that has the fulcrum between the load and the effort TWO WORDS
  9. 20. a belt that turns more than one wheel TWO WORDS
  1. 1. a lever that has the effort between the fulcrum and the load TWO WORDS
  2. 2. a pulley system that uses one wheel THREE WORDS
  3. 3. a combination of different simple machines working together TWO WORDS
  4. 4. a flat surface TWO WORDS
  5. 5. a machine consisting of one or more pulleys and a wide flat belt TWO WORDS
  6. 6. the point that a lever goes over
  7. 10. any device that changes the amount of force you have to use to get something done
  8. 11. a simple machine that lets you pull down a rope, chain, or wire to lift something
  9. 12. an inclined plane wrapped around a cylinder or cone
  10. 16. usually a circular band made of rubber
  11. 19. a rigid bar that's inserted through a hole in a wheel