Lesson 1~6 Review

  1. 4. What floor is the cooking club on?
  2. 6. shop, Store name that has a sale.
  3. 7. I'm going to do _____ on Thursday. (p83)
  4. 10. trees, You can find these trees in Hawaii.
  5. 13. Who is going to go swimming and fishing?
  6. 14. Go see a _____
  7. 17. It's a traditional Korean game.
  8. 18. camp, Where is Kelly going to go?
  9. 21. What will Jaemin try in Jejudo?
  10. 22. Day, It's a holiday in the U.K.
  11. 24. fifth, When is Children's Day?
  12. 25. I'm going to _____ a soccer game.
  13. 26. If you're sick, take some ________.
  14. 27. May I ____ you?
  15. 29. It's a traditional Korean house.
  1. 1. They are one dollar and ninety-nine cents.
  2. 2. thousand, How much are Mina's green socks?
  3. 3. The movie club meets every ______
  4. 4. It's a traditional Spanish dance.
  5. 5. Where is mariachi from?
  6. 8. What grade is Grace in?
  7. 9. hundred, 97 - 98 - 99 - _____
  8. 11. What's wrong with Minjun?
  9. 12. third, When is your birthday? (p40)
  10. 14. What club is Emily in?
  11. 15. Are you okay? What's the _____?
  12. 16. How much is this ________ cheesecake?
  13. 19. soup, What did Tom's dad make?
  14. 20. Queen's garden, Where will Anna and her family go?
  15. 23. You have bad teeth - don't eat too many _____!
  16. 28. That's a good _____ .