Lesson 16 Vocab by Garrett Hudson

  1. 2. Also known as third-world countries, places without ready access to technology, plumbing, electricity, clean water, and so on, and not usually governed by a democracy (e.g., parts of South America and most of Africa and Southeast Asia).
  2. 3. People who are deep users of participatory web and mobile applications—they cannot imagine life without technology.
  3. 4. People who are heavy, pragmatic tech adopters—they use gadgets to keep up with social networks or to be productive at work.
  4. 7. Also known as first-world countries, places with ready access to technology, plumbing, electricity, clean water, and so on, and usually governed by a democracy (e.g., the United States, England, Canada, and so on).
  1. 1. who rely on mobile devices for voice, texting, or entertainment.
  2. 5. In the context of the digital divide, this term refers to those who do not have access to technology.
  3. 6. In the context of the digital divide, this term refers to people who have access to technology.
  4. 7. The gap between people who have ready access to technology and the Internet and those who don’t have such access.